Monday 26 April 2010

Joined together in time and space

I was lost, but yet found again. I don't know what happens, but sometimes it just happens. A little more ideas for Hannah.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

More ideas for Murat;

Round and Round We go;

Tried to play around with hairdressing materials, dyes, polyester fabric, difference between hard and soft materials, here are some of the ideas along that way.

Meet Murat,

Murat is a hairdresser, and his object was a scissors. His grandfather was a hairdresser for men, and he wanted the scissors from his grandfather when he started his job. He thinks even if he wants to replace the scissors with a very expensive object, this will not be possible because of sentimental values.

Lets get back to the book,

Picked my favourite bits from the book, I will choose words, maybe sentences, and twisting it a little.

''I cycled back to the town and put an end to the rest of my old existence. I visited the paper where I had from time to time submitted material, and told them I wouldn't be writing any more for a while. Maybe never. I also cancelled my bedsit, the telephone and the newspaper subscription. And I sold my books, and the Tv set.
There I sat sweating.
I had performed a feat.
No nonsense here.
This was not Sesame Street. "

" I decide to go out and buy something that will make me think about nice things, or preferably just a smile. ..
After a bit of thinking it becomes apparent that I'm looking for an object which:
- Is small enough for me to carry easily
- Costs no more than a hundred kroner
- Can be used many times
- Can be used indoors as well as outdoors
- Can be used alone or with someone else
- Gets me active
- Makes me forget about time

'' Maybe a suitable object exists, and maybe it doesn't. It's not that important. But the list is important. This is a discovery to me. This has a value.
I sit there pondering which objects will fulfill my desires.
It could be several. But I just want one thing.
Suddenly it is clear to me that what I seek is a ball.
A ball, plain and simple. I feel a sting of eagerness.''

This is the reason of a red ball, and its a symbolic meaning of something deeper that relates to him. I like that

Wednesday 3 March 2010

the red ball idea,

just a few bits and pieces, to be worked on..
For Hannah's profile...

Tuesday 2 March 2010

No good to be home.. no good

Im at college now, and my battery died for the camera, I cant upload work no longer.. I was just in the mood, but I will do it soon, I promice.